"The Surprising Connection Between Happiness, Parenting, and Evaluation."
Spend less time on the why – focus on the what. Recently my wife suggested that when trying to help our children, rather than asking...
How I ate an elephant - evaluating system change in bite size chunks
Systems change has been described as 'counter-structural' and 'counter-cultural' – to which it might be added that evaluation may be...
Evaluation is to science as wisdom is to knowledge
This morning, I assisted my son with his homework, he had to find a synonym of ‘wisdom’ from a set of focus words. The answer in the book...
The problem of evidence for evaluation in a post-truth world
We need better ways to have conversations with each other about action in the social world. Evaluation has the potential to bridge...
A matter of life and death: evaluation as alpha discipline and the subordinate role of science
Science cannot solve ethical dilemmas. Science is wonderful. Science is useful for understanding the world. Actions that violate a...
What is science? 1. The scientific method is a process of hypothesis generation and testing using systematic observation, experiment,...
Propositional Evaluation and Julian King’s e-bike utopia
Demonstrating the value of Propositional Evaluation (PE) requires examples that show how fun, creative, and useful this approach can be...
The urgent need for the discipline of evaluation to change paradigm from ‘theory’ to ‘reason’
Almost forty years ago Donald Campbell, the most prominent proponent of experimental design in evaluation (the Campbell Collaboration...
The easiest way to ‘fix’ your program logic
Replace those arrows with plus signs. This simple fix can make a program logic more logical. Retain all those boxes – making sure that...